Concurrent University Enrollment (CUE) Program

Earn up to 30 credits of college coursework

University of Bridgeport’s CUE program offers an exciting opportunity for high school students to start earning college credits. You can earn credits by enrolling in approved classes taken at your high school. Once you have successfully completed a CUE program course, you will receive academic credit that is equal to the completion of the same course taught at UB.

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UB CUE课程列表

Each of the CUE program courses is offered through a specific college within University of Bridgeport to ensure our high academic standards are maintained. 另外, each course is associated with a UB Associate who will work with you to deliver these classes at your high school.


Tonya Chacón, Psy.D.副

课程 科目名称 UB教员助理
建造- 201 Introduction to Education Tonya Chacón, Psy.D.
建造- 202 Introduction to Teaching Methods Tonya Chacón, Psy.D.
英格兰- 101 学术写作 兰迪Laist
英格兰- 102 Introduction to Literature 兰迪Laist
英格兰- 105 a 戏剧概论 兰迪Laist
西班牙- 101 初级西班牙语I Mireya Del Carmen Tipantasig-Cardenas,
法国- 101 初级法语(一) 伊丽莎白·埃文斯



课程 科目名称 UB教员助理
杂志- 101年 一般生物生物学 凯瑟琳•恩格尔曼氏
杂志- 102年 分子生物学 安东尼F. 罗斯
化学- 103 化学 阿布·加法·霍森
消费品安全委员会- 203 Second Programming Language 至今为止H. 帕特尔
工程师- 111 Introduction to Engineering I 至今为止H. 帕特尔
数学- 203 基本统计信息 帕特里克Frawley
数学- 109 微积分的数学 帕特里克Frawley
数学- 110 Calculus Analytic Geometry I 帕特里克Frawley
phy - 201 普通物理I 玛丽亚Gherasimova
心理学- 103 Introduction to Psychology 藤本植物J. Leedom
心理学- 201 儿童心理学 藤本植物J. Leedom
心理学- 205 Lifespan Developmental Psychology 藤本植物J. Leedom
SCI-C201 Our Environment: The Oceans 凯瑟琳•恩格尔曼氏

NOTE: The following manufacturing courses are available for CUE through Goodwin University:

  1. BMM-100 Introduction to Manufacturing
  2. BMM-140 Principles in Manufacturing Mathematics
  3. BMM-222 Technical Drawings and Specifications

Please reach out to Keith Sevigny at 了解更多信息.


马特·康奈尔大学, MBA副

课程 科目名称 UB教员助理
acct - 101 会计原理1 亚历山大一. Discepolo,
哈罗德•H. 哈特曼小,
吹- 251 商业法I 马特·康奈尔大学
buad - 102 业务通信 马特·康奈尔大学
buad - 210 x Foundations of Entrepreneurship 马特·康奈尔大学
espt - 220 的电子竞技 马特·康奈尔大学
翅片209 管理财务 马特·康奈尔大学



课程 科目名称 UB教员助理
dhyg - 199 独立学习 劳拉•格列柯
mlsc - 301 放血 苏珊Ferency
mlsc - 315 Fundamentals of Medical Laboratory Science 苏珊Ferency
hsci - 230 Fundamentals of Nutrition 斯蒂芬妮·伯尔

We regularly update our CUE course listing and add new courses. If you have any questions, contact us at .

High school principal / Site representative & 老师信息

To become a school partner, please download UB’s CUE (DE/ECC) program packet to learn more about the program’s benefits, policies & procedures and required forms to begin our partnership.


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  • 电子邮件

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